All You Need for STEM Olympiad (FAQ)
Mathematics, the language of engineering, technology and science, is also the key to STEM. Math is considerably more than what it is defined as in the dictionary: "the abstract science of number, quantity and space." Math encompasses far more than Algebra, Geometry and Calculus. Math is the method and foundation for the strong development of learning, logical thinking and reasoning abilities. STEM Olympiad brings together students in grades 1-12 in the MATH Category with the PhET Interactive Simulations. Students can use this platform to study the topics on the syllabus menu. In addition to this platform, we recommend using other open sources for studying. Exam Languages Qualification and Final Exams: EN, FR, ES, RU, AZ, TR The BOB Exams: EN For Grade 1: Since first-graders reading skills vary across countries, there are no text-based questions in Grade 1 questions to ensure fairness. It mostly consists of reasoning questions in pictorial or graphic format, rather than logic or intelligence-related questions. There are a total of 25 multiple-choice questions in the Math category. First graders will take Qualification and Final Round exams, which will require a Zoom connection with one camera. The BOB Exams (the best of the best) will not be available for first graders. The International STEM Olympiad particularly encourages and supports the motivation and success of all Grade 1 participants. Thus, all Grade 1 students who take the STEM Olympiad Qualification Exams will advance to the Final Exams and will be rewarded based on their exam results. For Grades 2-3: The participants in these grades will solve the same questions. These are mostly visual and text-based questions. Results of the students in Grade 2 and Grade 3 will be evaluated independently and the exam results will be announced accordingly. There are a total of 25 multiple-choice questions in the Math category. Students in grades 2 and 3 will take Qualification and Final Round exams, which will require a Zoom connection with one camera. The BOB Exams (the best of the best) will not be available for students in grades 2 and 3. The International STEM Olympiad particularly encourages and supports the motivation and success of students in grades 2 and 3. Thus, all students in grades 2 and 3 who take the STEM Olympiad Qualification Exams will advance to the Final Exams and will be rewarded based on their exam results. For Grades 4-5: The participants in these grades will solve the same questions. There are a total of 25 multiple-choice questions in the Math category. Interactive simulations and explanations on PhET platform are essential for exam preparation. Subjects can be studied from sources other than this platform. Results of the students in grades 4 and 5 will be evaluated independently and the exam results will be announced accordingly. According to their Final exam results, the top 3 students in grade 5 will receive a special discount for participation in the Grand Final program, provided all other participation conditions are met. Please check the awards link for more information on these conditions. For Grades 6-7: The participants in these grades will solve the same questions. There are a total of 25 multiple-choice questions in the Math category. Interactive simulations and explanations on PhET platform are essential for exam preparation. Subjects can be studied from sources other than this platform. Results of the students in grades 6 and 7 will be evaluated independently and the exam results will be announced accordingly. Students in grades 6 and 7 will take Qualification and Final Round exams, as well as the BOB Exams (the best of the best). Qualification and Final Round exams will require a Zoom connection with one camera although the BOB exams will require a Zoom connection with two separate cameras. According to their BOB exam results, the top 3 students in grades 6 and 7 will receive a special discount for participation in the Grand Final program, provided all other participation conditions are met. Please check the awards link for more information on these conditions. For Grades 8-9: The participants in these grades will solve the same questions. There are a total of 25 multiple-choice questions in the Math category. Interactive simulations and explanations on PhET platform are essential for exam preparation. Subjects can be studied from sources other than this platform. Results of the students in grades 8 and 9 will be evaluated independently and the exam results will be announced accordingly. Students in grades 8 and 9 will take Qualification and Final Round exams, as well as the BOB Exams (the best of the best). Qualification and Final Round exams will require a Zoom connection with one camera although the BOB exams will require a Zoom connection with two separate cameras. According to their BOB exam results, the top 3 students in grades 8 and 9 will receive a special discount for participation in the Grand Final program, provided all other participation conditions are met. Please check the awards link for more information on these conditions. For Grades 10-11-12: The participants in these grades will solve the same questions. There are a total of 25 multiple-choice questions in the Math category. Interactive simulations and explanations on PhET platform are essential for exam preparation. Subjects can be studied from sources other than this platform. Results of the students in grades 10, 11 and 12 will be evaluated independently and the exam results will be announced accordingly. Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 will take Qualification and Final Round exams, as well as the BOB Exams (the best of the best). Qualification and Final Round exams will require a Zoom connection with one camera although the BOB exams will require a Zoom connection with two separate cameras. According to their BOB exam results, the top 3 students in grades 10 and 11 will receive a special discount for participation in the Grand Final program, provided all other participation conditions are met. Please check the awards link for more information on these conditions. (Students in grade 12 are not invited to the Grand Final Program due to visa procedures.)