Students have the option to take exams in a maximum of two categories, choosing from Math, Science, and Coding simultaneously, and have the chance to earn medals in both selected categories.

There are 4 exam categories in STEM GF 2024:
> Math Category
> Science Category
> Coding Category (optional)
> DIY Project Category (optional) 

Math & Science Categories:

  1. There are 3 exam levels in the Math and Science categories:
    Level 1 > for grades 3-4-5
    Level 2 > for grades 6-7-8
    Level 3 > for grades 9-10-11
  2. At each level group students will solve the same questions in the same booklet. However, the total scores will be evaluated only within their specific grade levels.
  3. The subject and content style of the exams are primarily based on the experiences of the participants in the Science Centers.
  4. The exams will be held in the lecture halls of Leiden University.
  5. The exams have 40 multiple-choice questions in each category and will last 75 minutes.
  6. Each student must take multiple-choice exams in either the Math or Science categories. It is also possible to take the exams in both categories.  

Coding Category (optional):

  1. The Coding exam will be held through the Codementum platform with special challenges prepared for STEM Grand Final. Students are required to bring their own notebooks.
  2. There are 3 level groups in the Coding category:
    Group 1 > for grades 3-4-5
    Group 2 > for grades 6-7-8
    Group 3 > for grades 9-10-11
  3. At each level group student will solve the same challenges. However, the total scores will be evaluated only within their groups (not within each grade).
  4. Participants are required to bring their own notebooks to compete in coding category. The Olympiad Committee is not responsible for providing notebooks.
  5. Participation in this category does not necessitate any extra charges or fees. 

DIY Project Category (optional):

  1. Students will compete as a team to assemble and activate STEM KITs that have been prepared for them in this category.
  2. A team must consist of at least 2 and no more than 3 students.
  3. Each 8-person group can compete with only 1 team in this category.
  4. Teams will compete in 2 levels:
    Level 1 > for grades 5-6-7-8
    Level 2 > for grades 9-10-11
  5. A total of 30 teams, a maximum of 15 teams for grades 5-6-7-8 and + 15 teams for grades 9-10-11 will be able to participate in the competitions.
  6. After the primary registration of participants, teachers will receive an email providing information about the applications for this category at a later stage.
  7. Participation in this category does not necessitate any extra charges or fees. 


Grades 3-11
40 Questions
Grades 3-11
40 Questions
Coding Category 
Grades 3-11
30 Challenges 
DIY Category 
Grades 5-11
1 Project